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Area Rugs - Measure Twice and Purchase Once!

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

We can all agree that area rugs serve a very important role; they can instantly warm a space up, help with noise reduction, protect your floors, and can also help achieve cohesiveness to our room. Area rugs are often cheaper than traditional carpeting, offer the benefit of a variety of colour and patterns, and the best part of all? They can easily be replaced and interchanged! But how do you select the perfect area rug for your space? What you may not know, is that many of us often select the incorrect size for our space! When decorating a room, we put a lot of our hard-earned money into trying to make a room look pulled together, so I’m here to make sure you don’t make the “rug size mistake!”

Often, in an attempt to make the area rug does not feel like wall-to-wall carpeting, or when becoming overwhelmed at the many options and varying prices, consumers will make the mistake of purchasing a rug that is too small for their space. You know what I’m referring to, we’ve all been in a room where the rug size just doesn’t meet the scale of the room at all. I understand that budget plays an important role in decision making and area rugs are a place we tend to scale back on budget, or completely ignore. But an area rug is the best way to anchor a room, and to tie all your furniture and decor together. And here’s the secret that you may not know - area rugs come in all sizes and prices! If you have the means, you can purchase a beautiful silk rug for $20,000, or higher. But for many consumers, that expenditure is not an option, and I am here to tell you that you can have it all, regardless of budget! There is no reason you can’t have a luxurious looking area rug that makes a statement and brings the room together like magic! There are many affordable options available to you, and they can even be so affordable that you can consider different ones for different seasons! In my own space, I have an area rug in my living room that matches perfectly for spring and summer, and another one for fall and winter. Pair each rug with colour coordinating throw pillows and a few accessories from your favourite decor store, and you’ll have a new look for the different seasons! If your budget can only accommodate one rug, that’s ok too! Again, this is where interchangeable accessories and decor can help to change the room up but keep your area rug, and your investment, as the focal point. Read on for some must-dos to ensure you purchase the right size area rug for your spaces.

Measure Twice and Purchase Once!

No matter what space you are trying to purchase an area rug for, measure twice so you only have to purchase once! Knowing what size rug, you need alleviates so much stress when looking for that perfect piece - and ensures you get the perfect area rug for your space - the very first time! What I mean by this is measure the overall room size as your starting point. From there, determine the layout of your furniture. Between the room size, your desired setup, and these tips below, you’ll be able to understand what size area rug best fits the space.

Front Entrance

This is the first space your guests will see! How many times have you gone to someone’s house and the front entrance will often have a tiny little rug, maybe a 2’ x 3’. This is a common misconception many make, because it’s called an entrance mat. Contrary to the name, your entrance will look much more welcoming and function better if you fill the space with a larger rug. You actually want a rug that will cover most of the floor space! This will allow more than one guest to come in through your door and not feel crowded as they enter your home. It gives a more luxurious and ample feel to a space, especially an entrance.

Living Room

While you may think that smaller is better in the living room, that is not the case! A living room area rug should be large enough to at least have all front legs of your main furniture on the rug. Ideally, your entire living room setup should sit comfortably on your area rug. Understanding that cost may be a factor, the legs of your larger furniture should have at least 6” of rug running underneath. This will give the illusion of a larger rug, and also curb any tripping hazards and help ensure the furniture doesn’t look like it’s simply perched on the edge.

Dining Room

When considering a dining room rug, it should be at least 3 feet wider than your table on all sides. This may seem like a lot of extra space but consider that the rug should accommodate when someone fully hauls the chair out from the table when sitting down, or leaving the table. This also allows for easy visual cues of where the rug begins when approaching a table. Nobody wants to spill the wine on the way to the table by tripping over the area rug!


The bedroom is where you can really go big! The bedroom atmosphere you want to create is cozy and welcoming. You definitely don’t want to get out of bed, take two steps and immediately feel a cold floor! To achieve this, you want the rug to extend at least 3 feet on either sides and end of the bed. You want the rug to be central to the room, with your bed fully on the rug if you can. In fact - you can also have the rug carry up to, or completely under your end tables. This helps enhance that cozy vibe. I hope this helps guide you to purchasing a lovely rug that fits! You won’t regret it. If you have questions or if you are ready to get started on creating your luxurious experience, I would love to design a space that is uniquely yours, get in touch with me at

Happy shopping!

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